Studies of food anaphylaxis focused on almond allergy are rare. With food allergies increasing globally alongside an increase in almond consumption, a new study published in Food and Agricultural Immunology takes a focused look at almond allergies in pediatric food anaphylaxis patients. Titled “Demographic, clinical and diagnostic correlation of almond allergy in a cohort of nut allergy patients,” Dr. Nathan Marsteller, Dr. Tricia Morphew, and Dr. Inderpal Randhawa analyzed a cohort of 411 nut-allergic children to determine the prevalence of almond allergies.
Their findings include a 67.7% occurrence of almond allergy, with approximately 25% of patients having both almond sensitivity and clinical reactivity. In relation to peanut allergies, 71.8% of patients with almond sensitivity and reactivity had peanut allergies and all patients with almond allergy had peanut allergy in this cohort. A better understanding of the relationships between food allergies is essential as more patients are receiving personalized care, such as through the Tolerance Induction Program at Southern California Food Allergy Institute.