Precision Medicine
Each patient’s unique data directly drives their specific treatment journey. With our proprietary data analysis software and advanced diagnostic testing, we can accurately diagnose and predict the optimal treatment plan down to the milligrams of food proteins administered.

Customized Treatment Plans
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning models, a patient’s test results are cross-referenced with over a trillion data markers to create a personalized treatment plan. The more patients treated and the more data collected, the more precise treatment plans become.
Patient plans can be adapted in real-time as the immune system responds to treatment. No guesswork is done.
Biosimilar Immunotherapy
Unlike exposure therapy, the Tolerance Induction Program (TIP) uses biosimilar food proteins to build tolerance before a patient ever introduces their allergens. Biosimilar foods, or biosimilar proteins, are safe, non-allergenic foods similar in molecular structure to a patient’s allergens.
If you are anaphylactic to peanuts, you may be tolerant to hazelnuts, a biosimilar protein.
Build Tolerance Safely
Biosimilar proteins allow us to safely retrain and condition the immune system to accept allergens with little adverse reaction. Once a patient builds enough tolerance through biosimilar conditioning, they can then begin to safely introduce and escalate doses of their allergens. Where other treatment programs may treat one allergen at a time, through our biosimilar immunotherapy patients can safely build tolerance to multiple allergens at once.
This innovative approach makes the Tolerance Induction Program the safest and most effective food allergy treatment available, with reaction rates lower than 1%.
Biosimilar Immunotherapy In Practice
Watch Food Allergy Institute Founder, Dr. Inderpal Randhawa, break down what Biosimilar Immunotherapy looks like in patient treatment plans.
Case Studies
See examples of patient treatment plans for some of the most common allergens including peanut, tree nuts, milk, and eggs.*

Case Studies
See examples of patient treatment plans for some of the most common allergens including peanut, tree nuts, milk, and eggs.*

Case Studies
See examples of patient treatment plans for some of the most common allergens including peanut, tree nuts, milk, and eggs.*

*Every patient treatment plan is unique to the individual. These diagrams are simply an example of possible treatment plans and may not reflect how your child will be treated.
Safety First, Safety Always, Safety Last
Precision Custom Plans With our proprietary data analysis software, treatment plans are patient-tailored and can be adjusted in real-time to optimize results and patient safety.
Individualized Scenario Kits Along with your custom plan, every patient receives an individualized scenario kit to ensure their safety outside our clinic.
Highly-trained Medical Team Our dedicated clinical team undergoes weeks of rigorous specialty training and are committed to guiding you through your treatment journey. In the rare event of a reaction, our team is fully equipped to handle any medical emergency.
Annual Remission Visits We follow-up with all TIP graduates via annual visits to ensure food freedom and patient safety are maintained.