Our goal at the Food Allergy Institute is to ensure your child successfully goes through treatment without any side effects. Should your child experience any symptoms, our medical team will always stop, analyze, and modify your child’s treatment plan to ensure your child does not experience clinical symptoms.
Our Tolerance Induction Program has achieved an unmatched safety record. 40% of patients complete the program without a single symptom (i.e. itchiness, hives, etc.). The remaining 60% of patients will have one to two episodes of Grade 1 symptoms (itching, flushing, small hives, angioedema) that will either resolve on their own or may require an antihistamine. Of the 60%, approximately half (30%) may have 1-2 episodes of Grade 1 symptoms that may also include eczema or mild gastro-intestinal symptoms.
Prior to commencing treatment, each family is fully prepped and trained on how to properly address any possible reaction or side-effect scenario that may occur during at-home dosing. In addition, our provider team is available on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, should any clinical advice be required.