What Is TIP?

    The Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP) is a safe and effective food allergy treatment that helps children and young adults overcome their severe food allergies, typically within 2.5 -4 years*.

    TIP uses highly customized plans, supervised in-office visits, and regulated at-home dosing to help food allergy patients achieve remission (food freedom). After completing the program, 99% of TIP patients are able to eat as freely as a non-allergic person.

    Regardless of pre-existing conditions or the number of food allergies a patient has, TIP can help.

    *Treatment duration varies by patient.

    Food Allergies We Treat

    The Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP) successfully treats ALL severe food allergies, including the TOP 9 major allergens and complex cases.

    • Peanuts
    • Tree Nuts
    • Milk
    • Eggs
    • Shellfish
    • Wheat
    • Soy
    • Fish
    • Lentil
    • Mustard
    • Sesame
    • And more

    Who Qualifies For TIP?

    The Tolerance Induction Program™(TIP) is available for qualifying patients between the age of 18 months – 25 years old. This includes those with:


    Pre-Existing Conditions

    TIP can treat patients with pre-existing conditions, including Eczema, Asthma, EOE, environmental allergies, FPIES, and many more.

    Multiple Food Allergies

    Multiple Food Allergies

    Most TIP patients are allergic to more than one food. We have even successfully treated patients with 20+ allergens!

    Severe Food Allergies

    Severe Food Allergies

    TIP specializes in treating those with extremely severe or anaphylactic food allergies. Where other treatment options may turn you away, TIP can help.

    Why Patients Choose TIP

    Our approach to severe food allergy treatment is unlike any other immunotherapy available.

    • Consistent, Precision Care
      Where other immunotherapies vary from practice to practice, TIP uses precision medicine to uphold a consistent quality of care for all patients.

    • Proven Success Rate
      With more than 8,000 patients in remission, the Tolerance Induction Program has the highest global success rate (99%) of any food allergy treatment.

    • Unparalleled Safety
      Traditional immunotherapy can result in a number adverse reactions ranging from GI issues to anaphylaxis. TIP is the safest treatment option available with reaction rates less than 1%.

    • Food Freedom
      OIT and similar therapies aim to desensitize patients to protect them from “accidental exposure.” Through TIP, patients can eat as freely as a non-allergic person would.

    How TIP Works

    Using extensive patient data, we create safe treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique immune system.

    TIP is not an exposure therapy like OIT. With the Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP), patients build a tolerance to their allergens through the escalation of food proteins similar in structure to their allergens (biosimilar proteins). This means patients can safely desensitize their immune system before they ever begin dosing their allergens.

    How TIP Works

    Steps to Food Freedom

    How TIP Works

    Delve into the science that drives our Tolerance Induction Program and has allowed over 8,000 severe food allergy patients to achieve food freedom.

    Your Treatment Journey

    From building your custom plan to in-clinic food challenges and at-home dosing, learn what to expect as you embark on your treatment journey as a TIP patient.


    No more reading food labels, no more missed birthday parties, and no more food allergy stress. Learn what remission can mean for your family.

    Schedule A Free Consultation

    Learn more about the Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP) by filling out the form below and scheduling a free non-clinical consultation phone call. We’ll provide you detailed information on how TIP has transformed the lives of over 8,000 severe food allergy patients across the world. Food Freedom begins here.

    For More Information, Visit Our FAQ Page

    Insurance Carriers

    We accept most PPOs* from the following carriers:

    United Healthcare

    *Not a guarantee of coverage. Please contact your insurance company directly to determine if the Food Allergy Institute is within your network and considered a participating provider under your plan.


    What Age Range does TIP treat?

    TIP treats patients within the age range of 18 months to 25 years, with a consistent success rate across all ages. The program treats patients with pre-existing medical conditions such as EoE, FPIES, MCAS, and asthma. Those under 18 months can still enroll by filling out the enrollment form and will be queued when they meet the minimum age requirement. Additionally, patients over 25 years old can submit the enrollment form and will be informed if the program opens to their age group or may be referred to the LAHA Medical Group.

    Are appointments in person?

    Our Southern California (Long Beach & Vista CA) clinics conduct all onboarding, launch and food challenge visits in person, ensuring that patients receive direct, hands-on care. Our program is specifically tailored to meet the needs of families who travel, welcoming patients from different parts of the country to international patients from around the globe.

    What Allergens Does TIP Treat?

    The Tolerance Induction Program (TIP) treats all major food allergies in a comprehensive manner, recognizing their interrelated nature is a crucial role in successful treatment. We offer secure, sustainable and successful treatment to all patients with food allergies regardless of the severity or number of a patient’s allergens. TIP is able to treat those with pre-existing medical conditions such as EoE, FPIES, MCAS, asthma. 

    How Long Is Treatment?

    There are a number of factors that determine the length of treatment. Age, severity of allergens, type of allergen, family history, health history, etc. All must be considered when designing the patient’s unique protocol. The length of treatment will vary based on each patient’s individual plan. At the end of the second visit, you will have a clear idea of how long your treatment length will be.  Generally, the average treatment timeline is 24 – 36 months. 

    More Questions? Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Our Experts Today!