
Eat Safely. Live Freely.

Food should be enjoyed, not feared.

A life of allergen avoidance, missed social events, and constant allergy anxiety is not the only option. 

Serving thousands of patients worldwide at our Southern California treatment centers, Food Allergy Institute (FAI) helps families conquer their food allergy anxieties and enjoy Food Freedom—the ability to eat whatever, whenever, without fear of a reaction.

The FAI Difference

Our food allergy treatment, the Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP), is designed to help patients lead a non-allergic life. Using similar food proteins and custom, data-driven treatment plans, we help patients build tolerance before introducing their allergens.

  • Patient Safety First
    TIP never begins by introducing patients to their allergens.

  • Personalized Treatment
    Using the latest technology, we create safe and efficient personalized treatment plans.

  • Complex Cases Welcome
    We treat the most complex cases that include multiple allergies & pre-existing conditions.

  • True Food Freedom
    After completing treatment, 99% of patients can eat as freely as a non-allergic person.

TOP 9 +

Allergens We Treat Through TIP

99 %

Success Rate After Completing TIP

8000 +

# of Patients In Remission After TIP

Is TIP Right For You?

TIP food allergy treatment is an excellent option for patients aged 18 months to 25 years old who have:

  • Severe or Multiple Food Allergies

  • Been disqualified from other treatment options, including OIT

  • A History of Food Anaphylaxis

  • Complex cases or other underlying medical conditions, like EOE, eczema, or asthma

Take the brief quiz below to see if TIP is right for you. 

Our 5 Steps to Food Freedom

1. Schedule Your First Appointment
2. Undergo Diagnostic Testing At Our Center
3. Receive Your Custom Treatment Plan
4. Begin At-Home Dosing And In-Office Challenge Cycles
5. Food Freedom: Eat What You Want, When You Want
Cap Accreditation
Medical Board
US Department of Health

Patients Stories

TIP Patient Jonah
Current TIP Patient

“He…attended the very first birthday party where he was able to eat a cupcake that didn’t come from home!”

TIP Graduate Wes
TIP Graduate

“Wes has been living a fearless and free life! And so have us, the rest of his family who have always had to be on high alert for everything he ate or was around.”

TIP Graduate Asher
TIP Graduate

“Our ‘bubble boy’ completed Kindergarten this year able to eat EVERYTHING freely.”

Patient Testimonials

TIP Graduate

"Graduation day was today!!! Biggest moment of Jonah’s life. Watching him walk through, high fiving the staff while they cheered, and seeing his huge smile holding his food freedom sign. Then this afternoon watching him eat a gigantic chocolate chip cookie dessert with vanilla ice cream, Nutella, and whip cream was the “icing on the cake”! Top all of that with a trip to Universal Studios eating anything and everything he wanted to eat!" - TIP Mom, Lori

TIP Graduate

"Journee is a completely different child now...Since graduation, Journee has been able to hang out with friends (without Mom hovering) and got to have a sleepover!!"- TIP Mom, Danielle

TIP Graduate

"Two and a half years and 13 cross-country trips later we watched our son successfully challenge the last of 21 food allergies at his graduation appointment. He has now been in remission for two years. Our “bubble boy” completed Kindergarten this year able to eat EVERYTHING freely. He participated in EVERY class activity FREELY, EVERY friend’s birthday party FREELY, EVERY field trip FREELY." - TIP Mom, Rachel

TIP Graduate

"Wes has been living a fearless and free life! And so have us, the rest of his family who have always had to be on high alert for everything he ate or was around." - TIP Mom, Taylor


What Age Range does TIP treat?

TIP treats patients within the age range of 18 months to 25 years, with a consistent success rate across all ages. The program treats patients with pre-existing medical conditions such as EoE, FPIES, MCAS, and asthma. Those under 18 months can still enroll by filling out the enrollment form and will be queued when they meet the minimum age requirement. Additionally, patients over 25 years old can submit the enrollment form and will be informed if the program opens to their age group or may be referred to the LAHA Medical Group.



Are Appointments In Person?

In-person appointments at one of our Southern California locations (Long Beach/Vista) are required throughout treatment. Our program is specifically tailored to meet the needs of families who travel, welcoming patients from different parts of the country to international patients from around the globe.

The number of in-person visits may vary depending on the individual’s custom plan and a patient’s location. However, patients typically visit our clinic four to six times a year. See an estimated appointment cycle based on your location below:

Zone 1 (Pacific + Mountain Time Zone + Arizona) every 6- 8 weeks for 1 - 2 days of appointments.

Zone 2 (Central + East Time Zone + Alaska + Hawaii) every 10 - 12 weeks for 2-3 days of appointments

Zone 3 (International) every 12 - 14 weeks for 3-5 days of appointments

What Allergens Does TIP Treat?

The Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP) successfully treats virtually all severe food allergies, including the TOP 9 major allergens and complex cases.

  • Peanuts
  • Tree Nuts
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Shellfish
  • Wheat
  • Soy
  • Fish
  • Lentil
  • Mustard
  • Sesame
  • And more

How Long Is Treatment?

The average duration of TIP treatment is 2.5 - 4 years, but the specific time frame varies by individual and their level of compliance within the program.

There are a number of factors that determine the length of treatment. Age, severity of allergens, type of allergen, family history, health history, etc. All must be considered when designing the patient’s unique protocol. The length of treatment will vary based on each patient’s individual plan. At the end of the second visit, you will have a clear idea of how long your treatment length will be.  

More Questions? Schedule a Complimentary Consultation with Our Experts Today!