Talk To A TIP Expert Today!


Schedule A Free Consultation

Submit the form below to schedule a non-clinical virtual consultation with a program expert and ask questions about the treatment journey, insurance coverage, and more. 


Important Program Information
The Goal of Treatment

The goal of TIP treatment is food allergy remission, where patients can eat as freely as a non-allergic person would. 

Treatment Age Range

Patients must have a food allergy and be between 18 months - 25 years old to be eligible for treatment. 

Locations and Appointment Frequency

While most treatment is done at home, in-person appointments are required at our Southern California locations approximately 4 to 6 times a year. 

Treatment Costs
Average program costs are $1,100 monthly, not including insurance. While some PPO plans may cover up to 50% of the costs, Kaiser and most HMOs do not offer coverage. 



How To Prepare For Your Call

Submit Your Insurance Information
Send us your insurance information before your consultation, so our program experts can most effectively answer your questions. 

Familiarize Yourself With TIP
Check out our FAQs to learn everything from costs to appointments and at-home dosing, our guide contains everything you need to know before embarking on your food freedom journey.

Get Your Questions Ready
Make the most out of your consultation and be sure to come prepared with a list of questions you would like addressed. 

Pick A Time That Works For Everyone

Please ensure all interested parties are present for your consultation- including your spouse or other guardians. This allows us to ensure your whole family feels confident as you take the next steps towards Food Freedom.




New to the Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP)? Connect with a specialist by phone.

Already enrolled and need support? Contact our care team for questions about your treatment, scheduling, or other concerns at 562-490-9900.


Watch this video for a complete overview of the Tolerance Induction Program™ 


How Does TIP Differ From Other Treatments Like OIT Or Palforzia?

The Tolerance Induction Program™ (TIP) is the only lasting solution to food allergies.

Where treatments, like Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) or Palforzia, aim to desensitize the immune system and protect patients from “accidental ingestion” of their allergen, TIP allows patients to achieve “food freedom”. This means by the end of TIP treatment, patients can eat like a non-allergic person would and consume their allergens in ANY amount without restriction. 

Unlike exposure therapies, which expose patients directly to foods they are severely allergic to, TIP never begins by introducing patients directly to their allergens. Instead, TIP uses foods similar in molecular structure to an allergen to gradually retrain the immune system and safely develop tolerance. 

TIP has sustained a 99% success rate for those who complete the program. Adverse event rates requiring epinephrine are lower than 1%. Most exposure therapies vary from practice to practice, have an uneven success rate, and have had adverse event rates of 20% or higher depending on the practice.

Additionally, while most other treatment options will turn away patients with severe or multiple food allergies, TIP can treat even the most complex food allergy cases! 

Learn More About TIP

What Pre-Existing Conditions does TIP Accept?

The Tolerance Induction Program has successfully treated patients with a variety of comorbidities and other pre-existing conditions, including:

  • Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)
  • Asthma
  • Eczema
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Celiac disease
  • Many More

For patients with complex cases, Food Allergy Institute will partner with your child's medical team to plot the safest course of food allergy treatment. While we are committed to helping patients with pre-existing conditions overcome their food allergies, our program will not treat a patient's other medical conditions.

Learn More About TIP

Does TIP Treat Multiple Food Allergies?

Yes. TIP specializes in treating patients with multiple severe food allergies. We generally treat all food allergies, including the Top 9 allergens and many more. We have even had success treating patients with 20+ allergens!

Many food allergies are often interconnected. To produce the best results, TIP treats the immune system as a whole, addressing a patient's full allergic profile.

Learn More About TIP

Are There Any Food Allergies Too Severe For TIP To Treat?

No. At Food Allergy Institute, we treat the full spectrum of food allergens, regardless of their severity.

Learn How TIP Works

Does the Tolerance Induction Program Require The Use Of Medications?

As part of the Tolerance Induction Program, patients are placed on a low-dose, over-the-counter antihistamine and/or nasal spray during part or all of active treatment. These medications are determined on a patient-by-patient basis and help to supplement the treatment process as we systematically introduce the patient’s allergens according to their unique protocol. Once the patient graduates from the program, and in some cases sooner, they no longer need to continue with these medications.

More On Your Treatment Journey